Wednesday 22 February 2012

Lawn care services and tips -

All lawn care companies are not the identical. Lawn care programs suggested by companies will vary not only in cost, but in the kind of standard and optional agronomic services suggested to the homeowner. The homeowner will be most successful at choosing a business to supply the yearned kind of program if he/she first becomes familiar with:

(1) The annual cost for a company's benchmark program,

(2) The services supplied as part of the standard program, and

(3) the types of and charges for optional services supplied by the company. Before contracting for lawn care services, it is best to communicate and contrast 2 to 3 (or more) reputable companies. The following sequence of inquiries and responses should serve as a direct for the homeowner during the method of selecting a

Lawn care business.

Tools and Equipment required

If you are conceiving of beginning slow with a niche in a specific market, you can start the business utilizing only the rudimentary gear. Here is a register of some rudimentary gear you will need throughout your startup stage:


Line Trimmer

Hedge Trimmer

Financial mower

Hand devices

Motor truck or some type of transportation such as pick-up motor truck



Hand tools (rakes, shovels, broom, etc.)


Security equipment include goggles and hand-coverings


Tools in the business furthermore encompass programs and equipment you can use to improve the efficiency and productivity of your operations. Demonstrations encompass: GPS truck routing and following to reduce fuel charges, increase productivity and see where your motor trucks have been and at what time communicate administration scheme to keep track of your customers and their information arranging and routing programs to help you find the most effective routes in alignment to save time and cash and cut fuel charges. It also assists you organize your appointments and to set appointment times and designated days these are my peak tips for finding a lawn care service:

1. First you have to FIND a lawn care company. You can seek the World Wide Web utilizing the diverse tools that are accessible or you can use good old' fashioned word of mouth referrals. If you know your close by uses a lawn care service and you like how their backyard looks, find out whom they use (or just look at the title on the motor truck that pulls up every week).

2. Ask them if they are permitted to provide lawn care services in your State. Most States need lawn care businesses to get permitted by the State pharmacist as well as the State Department of Agriculture. So inquire the company to make sure they are correctly licensed and then just ascertain the license out to be certain.

3. Get a quote from multiple lawn care services. inquire them to arrive out and look at your backyard to give you an approximate. While they are there inquire for general proposals and an attitude as to the present status of your backyard. If they really understand what they are doing you can tell attractive rapidly. At least for me, I can rapidly notify if they know more about backyards than I do (not a particular dispute to be dependable so it's a good smallest threshold). You may inquire them to expressly issue out and explain the thing they would be most concerned about if they owned this back backyard.

4. Find out about the fertilizers that they are using and their overall beliefs considering long-acting fertilizers. Do they actually test the dirt before choosing what to apply or do they just request the identical products on every yard they service? If they furthermore squirt pesticides, pay very close attention to what they use and how it may influence your family and especially any pets you may have. Don't gloss over chemical inquiries, they are significant . . . Make sure you really understand their answers! Landscape Designer Lowell MA


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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Is the U.S. in the middle of a 'false recovery'? (The Week)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The Week - Stocks are up. The unemployment rate is down. But that was also true a year ago, and back then, things didn't exactly work out like we hopedWe've had quite a bit of good economic news this month. A huge European bailout of Greece raised hopes that a weak global recovery can gather steam. In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average touched 13,000 for the first time since 2008. And America's unemployment rate has gone down for five straight months, now sitting at its lowest rate since the Great Recession began. But there are plenty of clouds still looming. Oil prices have spiked to their highest level in nine months as Iran cut off crude shipments to the U.K. and France. And despite Greece's reprieve, Europe remains on the brink of a debt disaster. So is the U.S. economy really on the mend — or is this just a lull before the next downturn?


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Wednesday 15 February 2012

Advantages Of Marketing Through Online Bookmarking Sites

Advertising your products and services on the World Wide Web can be extremely efficient if you use online bookmarking sites. Such sites will help you in gaining enough Internet exposure for your company and services. There are many entrepreneurs who consider social bookmarking marketing is a tiresome job and consume a lot of time. However, if it is done in a correct manner, your business will get proper online visibility which will help in business growth.

Today, no one can ignore the role of online bookmarking sites in business promotion. There are many Internet savvy businessmen have incorporated such sites in the process of online promotion of their brand, products and services. There are numerous advantages of such social bookmarking sites. Let us discuss about a few of them in the following pointers:

  • Online bookmarking sites help in creating a brand for your company among all your online customers, existing as well as potential.

    With the use of correct website theme and quality content such a site will help you in promoting or advertising your website in a much more effective method. It will help in making your business and name similar to any particular niche which will help you in creating a brand value among your online clients. With more content rich information posted in your website, you will be able to share a lot of things about your company and products to your clients. This will help you in creating a brand image among billions of online readers who may get converted to as your clients.
  • Through social bookmarking marketing, your website will get ample online exposure and a large number of people who use the Internet regularly, will be able to know about your brand and services through such sites.

    The way by which your bookmarks are shared to all online audience is quite effective for a business to grow its client base, online.
  • Today, search engine optimization plays a vital role in website promotion. Search engines play a pivotal role in increasing the number of incoming links which your website use or may have used to improve search engine optimization ranking. A good online ranking will help a business to get more online traffic and increase the chance of getting more businesses.

Today, with the advancement of technology and the rising popularity of the Internet, entrepreneurs are getting inclined to online bookmarking sites to improve their online ranking and get proper visibility on the Web. If you want to promote your business online, you should explore a new world of social bookmarking marketing.



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Tuesday 14 February 2012

When World Cup meets stocks, soccer wins (AP)

BRUSSELS ? The furious activity in the trading pits of the world's great stock exchanges often gives the feel that every second is gold dust in the relentless rush to make money. Then all of a sudden, it's kickoff time, and everything changes.

A wide-ranging study from the European Central Bank has found that the soccer World Cup has a huge impact on traders. Many stock exchanges effectively grind to a halt when the games are on.

"When the national team was playing, the number of trades dropped by 45 percent, while volumes were 55 percent lower," the ECB said in a study on the 2010 World Cup in South Africa that was released on its website Monday.

"Stock markets were following developments on the soccer pitch rather than in the trading pit," it concluded.


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Experts: Stanford's trial not won with 1 witness (AP)

HOUSTON ? From testimony about bribes, blood oaths, faked profits and secret Swiss bank accounts, the ongoing fraud trial of jailed and former jet setting Texas tycoon R. Allen Stanford has had its share of drama.

And many of the details about the alleged fraud that prosecutors say bilked investors out of more than $7 billion in one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U.S. history were provided by Stanford's former top money man and the prosecution's star witness, James M. Davis, over more than four days of testimony.

But Stanford's attorneys did their best to tear down Davis and portray him to jurors as a liar, adulterer, tax cheat and the true mastermind of the scheme who has pleaded guilty to three fraud and conspiracy charges as part of a plea deal with prosecutors and will say anything to avoid a lengthy prison term.

While legal experts say Davis' credibility will be important with jurors during their deliberations, a fraud case as complex as this one isn't won or lost with one witness and Stanford's fate remains unclear.

"A trial is very much like a mosaic and the pieces in their entirety show the picture," said Philip Hilder, a Houston criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor who's followed the trial. "Mr. Davis' testimony, while key, is not the whole case."

For the last three weeks, federal prosecutors have methodically presented evidence, including testimony from Davis and other ex-workers of Stanford's companies as well as emails, financial statements and other documents, in support of their claims the flamboyant businessman orchestrated a 20-year scheme that took billions from investors through the sale of certificates of deposit, or CDs, from his bank on the Caribbean island nation of Antigua.

Davis, the former chief financial officer of Stanford's companies, portrayed his ex-boss as the leader of the fraud who burned through billions of CD deposits to pay for failing businesses and fund his lavish lifestyle, including a fleet of private jets and yachts.

"The approach prosecutors (are taking) is the standard strategy in building a (fraud) case through documents and bank records and then corroborating that with the testimony of a well-placed insider," said Robert Mintz, a New Jersey-based defense attorney and former federal prosecutor.

Stanford is on trial for 14 counts, including mail and wire fraud, and could be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison if convicted. Stanford was once considered one of the U.S.'s wealthiest people, with an estimated net worth of more than $2 billion. He's been jailed without bond since being indicted in 2009. Prosecutors could wrap up their case by early next week.

Defense attorneys have tried to show the financier was a savvy businessman whose financial empire, headquartered in Houston, was legitimate. They said he was trying to reorganize his businesses to pay back investors when authorities seized his companies.

Stanford's lawyers accused Davis of leading the fraud and stealing millions of depositors' funds. They also questioned his character by highlighting extra marital affairs he's had and income taxes he's failed to pay.

Anthony Sabino, a law professor at St. John's University in New York City, said the defense strategy with Davis is "classic, right out of the playbook."

"The theory is to say to the jury, `If he lied on his taxes, he's lying you ... if he lied to his wife, he's going to lie to 12 strangers,'" he said.

Testimony from a witness like Davis will be viewed "with a healthy degree of skepticism" by the jury, Mintz said.

Sabino said it's hard to know what weight the jury will give Davis' testimony.

"The prosecution knew it was taking a risk by saying Mr. Davis will be the ultimate insider (to the alleged fraud). If they delivered, it will weigh heavily in their favor," he said.

Hilder said it appears prosecutors have done a good job of keeping their theory simple and not overwhelming jurors with documents and records. Defense attorneys will have to continue doing the opposite because "the more complicated (the trial) is, the easier it is to argue reasonable doubt," he said.

Once the defense begins its case, the question will be whether Stanford will testify, as his attorneys promised during their opening statements.

Sabino and Mintz don't think that's a good idea.

"More often than not, a defendant hurts rather than helps their own case," Mintz said.


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Monday 13 February 2012

Effective Strategies To Bring-in More Ebook Sales - Sunsets & Sox

If there is anything at all that makes you feel overwhelmed with your online business, then that just means you have to learn a bit more and get more comfortable. All the old vets of internet marketing who pioneered cocococ went through that and know the deal. Historically, taking advantage of third party independent workers provides for increased time on higher priority activities. We understand if you are not quite at that point, though, but there is much available that is very low cost or no cost. If you are new to online business, then seek reliable knowledge on the subject so you will possibly avoid costly missteps. However, regardless of how you approach outsourcing or anything else, just recover and roll with any mistakes you may make.

One of the simplest ways to make money online is by selling an ebook of your own. Quite a few internet businesses have made it big because they?ve sold many thousands of eBooks. An ebook can be an extremely valuable commodity that can bring you money in a number of ways. The fact is, however, that not all eBooks are successful. Not all eBooks are successful, though; some never get circulated at all. What do you have to do to improve sales of your ebook? How can you be successful at this endeavor? Below are some helpful suggestions if you want to learn how to write and publish a successful ebook.

When you are ready to begin marketing your ebook, do not neglect what is possible with gaining traffic from social media sites. The main reason has to do with people and markets since there is tremendously targeted traffic. We hope you know the two best sites for that; Facebook and Twitter. If you want to really ramp it up, then do yourself a favor and integrate fan pages at Facebook. As for using Twitter, you will also build relationships with people and send them to your fan page. You don?t have to limit yourself to selling an ebook through only one online store -you can have many different stores stocking it. It makes sense that the more exposure and traffic your ebook gets, the more copies you?re likely to sell. You may not get it listed on lots of different sites right away, but you should still work towards this goal. The more people who know about your ebook, the more chances you have of selling copies. Sales of your ebook will naturally increase as more of your potential readers find out about it. When your ebook is listed in many places at once, more and more visitors will learn about it and this is how you increase your sales. We are confident many would like to take advantage of the full power of the wizards in their internet business; but you have to be careful and avoid proceeding with limited knowledge in your campaigns. There are so many different kinds of landmines on the web, and lack of important details regarding any one method is one of them. Just like all else regardless of what it is, a solid working base consisting of basic principles is necessary. What you need to do any time you read an information article about business techniques is immediately see how it may fit with what you do. You need to develop a sense of independence because you can delve much deeper into any subject and possibly find something highly useful.

We can accurately state that a lacking in patience causes people to change courses prematurely in many ways. You will not do everything right when you are just getting started, and so just accept that fact but avoid getting overly concerned about it. You really just have to decide what you are going to do or what you want to do, and then totally commit to that process. Do this one thing ? just commit to doing some amount of work every day, and then stick to that ? weekends off is acceptable.

You can establish an entire menu of marketing approaches for your ebook promotions. You have to take small and effective steps to get more sales for your ebook, such as the ones we discussed above. There?s so much you can to grow your business, you just need to get it the right amount of exposure. Avoid getting impatient and trying a bunch of crazy methods that are not proven, and do not spend all your money on the gimmick of the week, either.

Yes, if you are thinking there has to be more to for your health now than we have talked about, then you would be totally correct. When you are receptive to all things in your business and how you approach it, then that will open your eyes.

Perhaps only one thing you just learned could be used in your marketing, and if that is the case then you should embrace it. This does not have to be a complicated process, and it just involves making a decision to test one of these methods out. Of course you should always acquire the right amount of knowledge if you need it. The overall process is really pretty easy; you find something that looks like it could be good, learn about it and take action on it. Obviously you are the only person in the position to make the call about those matters.


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Wednesday 8 February 2012

Minimize Fretting hand And Wrist Discomfort ? My Basic Way To ...

Why deal with hand and arm suffering when it?s not necessary to. Should you be in any respect at all like me and endure RSI, muscle, muscular as well as Tramadol periodic squeezed lack of feeling up to you and wrists, maybe you should attempt my simple but successful alternative that can assist you control your suffering.
Upwards of 10 years now I?ve endured aching or painful wrists and hands especially if I engage in golf or do basic activities that puts tension on my own wrists and hands. Even carrying out simple things such as picking up a cupful of coffee or tea could cause a distinct arm twinge.
Over the years I have attempted things such as typical hand and arm bandages, Tramadol shoulder straps, sustains, creams, cold and heat bags and rigid taping. These worked well to some extent but none really allayed or received right down to the location where the true suffering all began.
So after many tries I came up with a way that?s worked well to me for quite some time now. Employing this strategy makes it possible for me to go on child and do various basic activities that I have were required to steer clear of prior to now. I?m not Tramadol indicating my technique will work for every people hand and arm complications ? but it just might help some individuals. I skepticism it can perform or even be of a typical reward for osteoarthritis joint pain.
The typical thought is usually to tackle your hand and arm suffering straight at its reference to relief the cause of the pain sensation with tension, provide some support plus a very little warmth. It is a limited-term solution to be made only whilst you are engaged in the game, in which case you take out the tapings and throw away them.
I would not formally know the way or why my technique operates, all I?m sure and cherish is it does supply hand and arm alleviation.
The earliest piece I exploit is typical blu-equipment that can be purchased in strips for a few pounds from the regional newsagent or workplace deliver keep. I exploit about 7 or 8 items brought into very little tennis balls for each and every hand depending on the spot items of your suffering at that time, it is brought into a variety of measurement tennis balls that happen to be then put on the correct places.
Future I exploit precut strips of rigid mp3 or Kinesio Tex mp3 that has far more stretch to cover all the pieces of azure-equipment to keep them available, this also does apply some average tension for the blu-equipment tennis balls.
One more stage is usually to tug on flexible bandage on the footage to keep them available and implement even more Levitra tension. The blu-equipment obtains little by little pushed lower additional to the distressing place, which provides the aid.
Normally as i golf grip my golf club with my right hand I can hardly keep it due to suffering inside the thumbs and index handy articulation, nonetheless after putting on my blu-equipment, mp3 and flexible bandage technique I do not see the suffering through this / articulation.
I additionally come with an Levitra injuries of fifteen years out of my quit arm. I have received tests, by-uv rays, cortisone injections and 5 distinct beliefs as to what sixty, nonetheless no one came up with a certain or satisfactory examination or alternative, My method the only one I have attempted which provides me aid as i engage in golf or do other basic activities between wrists and hands.
Make no miscalculation about this you?ll be able to get getting rid of hand and arm complications without resorting to getting advil (NSAID) medications continuously. From the things i fully grasp getting them over the long term is not a excellent action to take due to many prospective negative effects specially with regards to your gi tract.
While I described previous on this page my technique will likely not help all people with hand and arm suffering, but however I am sure there are plenty of people comparable to me that may get getting rid of their unique Levitra hand and arm suffering by utilizing my technique.


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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Giants top Pats for 2nd Super Bowl in 4 years

New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin, right, hands the Vince Lombardi Trophy to quarterback Eli Manning after their 21-17 win over the New England Patriots in the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin, right, hands the Vince Lombardi Trophy to quarterback Eli Manning after their 21-17 win over the New England Patriots in the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz (80) and kicker Lawrence Tynes (9) celebrate with the Vince Lombardi Trophy after the Giants' 21-17 win over the New England Patriots in NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

New York Giants fullback Henry Hynoski, right, celebrates with a teammate after the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game against the New England Patriots, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. The Giants won 21-17. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick leaves the stadium after the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game against the New York Giants, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. The Giants won 21-17.(AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

A New York Giants player holds the the Vince Lombardi Trophy after the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game against the New England Patriots, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. The Giants won 21-17. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

(AP) ? Tom Brady let his final pass fly toward the scrum of players in the end zone, hoping for an incredible finish.

Uh-uh, Tom. Not in this city, and not in this game.

Indianapolis is a Manning town, whether it's Peyton or Eli pulling out the wins. And the Super Bowl is suddenly the province of the New York Giants, who have figured out how to topple Brady and the New England Patriots in the biggest moments.

Eli Manning led another fourth-quarter touchdown drive and won his second Super Bowl MVP on Sunday night, leading the Giants to a 21-17 victory that provided a pulsating finish to an NFL season that started with turmoil and a lockout.

"It's been a wild game," said Manning, who now has one more Super Bowl title than his older brother. "It's been a wild season,"

A wild finish was certainly fitting.

The Giants (13-7) almost didn't make the playoffs, needing a lot of help at 7-7 with two games left. Their defense finally came together, and Manning gave them a chance in every game with his penchant for comebacks ? a league-record 15 touchdowns in the fourth quarter.

Of course, his greatest career comeback was in that Super Bowl four years ago, when the Patriots were undefeated and Manning led a late scoring drive that included an enduring Super Bowl moment ? the incredible catch David Tyree made by trapping the ball against his helmet.

The Patriots (15-4) had a chance to avoid more such history on Sunday. Brady, trying to match boyhood hero Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw with four Super Bowl titles, had New England in range to put it away late in the fourth quarter.

Wes Welker dropped a pass at the 20-yard line with 4 minutes left, forcing a punt that gave the Giants another chance trailing 17-15.

"It comes to the biggest moment of my life, and (I) don't come up with it," said a red-eyed Welker. "It's one of those plays I've made a thousand times."

Manning's turn for more Super Bowl magic.

He threw a spot-on 38-yard pass down the sideline to Mario Manningham, fitting the ball perfectly between two defensive backs barreling down on the receiver. Manningham got both feet down before getting smacked out of bounds in front of the Patriots' bench, a catch that was upheld on replay and reminded the 68,658 fans at Lucas Oil Stadium ? one in particular ? about that other catch four years earlier.

"In those situations, you are always looking to see who is going to be the guy," Tyree said, in the Giants locker room.

Once Manningham came down with it, the Giants sensed things had turned their way, just like four years earlier.

"I think they are both spectacular catches," Giants coach Tom Coughlin said. "I think with Mario's earlier tonight, the way he kept his feet inbounds and held onto the ball (while) going out of bounds was a remarkable thing."

The Patriots were thinking the same thing, too.

"I thought that play they made on our sideline was a phenomenal throw and catch," Brady said. "That got them going."

They got down to the 6-yard line with just over a minute left and the Patriots down to one timeout. New York could have run the clock down to a few seconds and kicked a field goal.

Patriots coach Bill Belichick did the math and decided on a trade-off: Give up a touchdown for some time. New England pulled up and allowed Ahmad Bradshaw to run the final 6 yards with 57 seconds left.

Once Bradshaw realized what was happening, he tried to stop at the 1-yard line to keep the clock going but ended up falling backward into the end zone.

Brady would get one last chance with the Giants defense bearing down on him, as it always does. Defensive end Justin Tuck huddled the New York defense after a touchback on the kickoff left the ball at the 20-yard line.

"I think a lot of guys had their eyes lit up," Tuck said. "This is what we've been working for all year, and we've got 57 seconds left to be world champs."

Brady set a Super Bowl record by completing 16 consecutive passes earlier in the game, topping Montana's record. When he needed several quick completions to get moving in the last minute, he couldn't do it.

The Patriots got only as far as midfield with 5 seconds left. Brady threw a desperation pass into the end zone, where the ball was batted around in a scrum before falling incomplete just beyond the reach of All-Pro tight end Rob Gronkowski, bringing the spray of confetti from above.

"You come down to one play at the end," Brady said. "If we make it, we're world champs. If we don't, we're wishing we were."

Brady's had a tough time against this Giants defense. During the regular season, it pressured him into mistakes during a 24-20 New York win in Foxborough, Mass. The Patriots went on to win their next 10, a streak that ended when Brady faced that same defense on Sunday.

It just seems to have his number. On his first pass of the game, Brady was pressured by Tuck in the end zone and threw the ball to an open spot downfield to get rid of it, resulting in a safety.

By contrast, Manning didn't make any big mistakes and, again, was at his best under the last-minute pressure.

"He's become confident over time, kind of grew into it," said his father, former New Orleans Saints quarterback Archie Manning. "I always felt like you have to experience those situations before you become confident. He's certainly had his share."

And nobody will question anything he says again.

Manning was criticized for insisting before the season that he's an elite quarterback. Then, with the Giants struggling, he was overshadowed by a different Manning drama.

Peyton and the Colts were hoping to reach a Super Bowl in their stadium. Instead, the quarterback had neck operations and the team came apart, prompting ownership to clean house. The week leading up to the Super Bowl was overshadowed in town by talk about Peyton's future.

Eli insisted he wasn't bothered by sharing the spotlight. In the fourth quarter on Sunday, he had it all to himself.

Manning was 10 of 14 for 118 yards in the final quarter with his seventh game-winning drive of the season. Overall, he completed 30 of 40 for 296 yards with a touchdown and no interceptions, leading the Giants to their fourth Super Bowl championship ? two behind Pittsburgh for the record.

In the end, a Manning got to hoist the silver Super Bowl trophy in Indianapolis.

"It just feels good to win a Super Bowl," Eli said. "Doesn't matter where you are."

Associated Press


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Guest post by Thole C. Polly Pizzo


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Monday 6 February 2012

Green Bay QB Aaron Rodgers wins MVP award

Green Bay Packers' Aaron Rodgers speaks after receiving the AP MVP Player of the Year during the inaugural NFL Honors show Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Indianapolis.The New York Giants will face the New England Patriots in the NFL football's Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis on Feb. 5. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Green Bay Packers' Aaron Rodgers speaks after receiving the AP MVP Player of the Year during the inaugural NFL Honors show Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Indianapolis.The New York Giants will face the New England Patriots in the NFL football's Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis on Feb. 5. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Indianapolis Colts' Peyton Manning, left, presents the AP MVP Player of the Year to Green Bay Packers' Aaron Rodgers during the inaugural NFL Honors show Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Indianapolis.The New York Giants will face the New England Patriots in the NFL football's Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis on Feb. 5. (AP Photo/Marcio Sanchez)

FILE - In this Dec. 25, 2011, file photo, Green Bay Packers' Aaron Rodgers reacts after tossing a touchdown pass during the second half of an NFL football game against the Chicago Bears in Green Bay, Wis. Rodgers was selected as The Associated Press' NFL Most Valuable Player Award on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. ( (AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps, File)

Indianapolis Colts' Peyton Manning, left, presents the AP MVP Player of the Year to Green Bay Packers' Aaron Rodgers during the inaugural NFL Honors show Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Indianapolis.The New York Giants will face the New England Patriots in the NFL football's Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis on Feb. 5.(AP Photo/Marcio Sanchez)

(AP) ? Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers has won the 2011 Associated Press NFL Most Valuable Player award in a landslide.

Rodgers earned 48 votes to two for New Orleans quarterback Drew Brees in balloting by a nationwide panel of 50 media members who regularly cover the NFL. The Packers star is the first Green Bay player honored since Brett Favre concluded a run of three straight seasons as MVP in 1997.

"It means a lot to be recognized as a consistent player and contributing on my team," Rodgers said. "I think it's an award that relies on a player having the support of his teammates, obviously, guys blocking, guys running, guys catching, guys making plays. But I'm very honored to receive the award."

Rodgers received a standing ovation after his name was announced by Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning, the league's only four-time MVP. The award was presented on the "NFL Honors" primetime special Saturday night on NBC.

"We're all really excited to see you back on the field next year," Rodgers told Manning.

Rodgers led the NFL in passing with a 122.5 rating built on 45 touchdown passes, six interceptions and a 68.3 completion percentage as the Packers went 15-1 and won the NFC North. The Packers were beaten by the New York Giants at Lambeau Field in the divisional round.

"People really count on me to be consistent each week, to play well. Knowing that my performance, the fact that I touch the ball every play, I have a direct impact on the game, the way I play," Rodgers said. "And if I'm playing consistent and doing things I know I'm supposed to do, we've been able to have some success because of it."

He joins former Packers Bart Starr, Jim Taylor and Paul Hornung as MVPs.

Rodgers is the third consecutive quarterback voted MVP, joining New England's Tom Brady (2007, 2010) and Indianapolis' Peyton Manning (2008, 2009).

Associated Press


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NGO worker cases sent to Egypt court in funding row (Reuters)

CAIRO (Reuters) ? The cases of 40 U.S. citizens, other foreigners and Egyptians embroiled in a dispute over the activities and funding of pro-democracy groups have been referred to court, judicial sources said on Saturday, deepening a row with the United States.

Washington has strongly criticized the crackdown on the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and an unspecified number of U.S. citizens involved have sought shelter in the U.S. embassy.

Egypt, among the largest recipients of U.S. aid since its 1979 peace treaty with Israel, has been told by U.S. lawmakers assistance may be cut because of its treatment of the groups.

Several U.S. and others involved have been barred from leaving Egypt. They include Sam LaHood, the country director of the International Republican Institute who is the son of the U.S. transportation secretary.

"The cases of 40 foreign and Egyptian suspects have been transferred to the Cairo criminal court related to foreign funding," a judicial source told Reuters. State news agency MENA also carried the report.

Egyptian officials say the crackdown is part of a probe into foreign funding of NGOs. But civil society groups say the ruling military council ordered the raids to harass activists who were at the forefront of the anti-Mubarak revolt and have been pressing for the army to swiftly hand power to civilians.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Saturday a crackdown by Egypt's military rulers on U.S. and local pro-democracy groups could jeopardize aid for the Arab nation.

The NGO activists include 19 Americans alongside others who are Serbian, Norwegian, Lebanese as well as Egyptian, according to a statement issued by judges overseeing the probe and seen by Reuters. One judge involved said the list included LaHood.

The charge listed in the statement was "running organizations without getting the required licenses." One of the judges running the investigation said that investigations were continuing with Egyptians in other similar cases.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr told Clinton during his meeting with her that all groups, regardless of country of origin, had to abide by Egypt's laws on registration, the ministry's spokesman Amr Rushdy said in a statement.

The National Democratic Institute, one of the U.S.-funded groups whose staff are facing travel bans, said it began work in 2005 and sought to register the same year but after responding to some official queries after that no progress was made.

However, the group says it has operated openly since then, engaging with officials regularly.


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Sunday 5 February 2012

94% Pina

All Critics (71) | Top Critics (20) | Fresh (67) | Rotten (4) | DVD (1)

Pina is a tribute of an artist by an artist, a friend to a friend. But its great genius comes from the mournful, as well as celebratory, reckoning of the performers Bausch pushed, collaborated with and inspired.

What might seem like a convenient bid for publicity - the first 3-D art-house film! - turns out to be the only logical way to showcase the action.

This meditation on movement and space, transportation and transcendence is not to be missed.

What the filmmaker has created is an inspired simulacrum - a jewel-box that contains more of Bausch's kinetic soul than film has any right to.

Crane and steadycam allow Wenders to get so close to the action that in the minimalist Caf? M?ller, one's illusion of being on stage is uncanny.

"Pina"is the best possible tribute to Bausch, and to adventurous image-making.

A spectacular show of movement and stagecraft.

Sans 3D, Pina becomes a more unified work of undisputed merits, a passionate, fitting tribute from one of Europe's preeminent filmmakers and documentarians.

Pina is as rich in imagery and emotion as any film released this year and in some cases moreso.

This seems like a ripping good idea. In practice, "Pina" turns out to have a few problems.

Suggests thrilling new possibilities for the marriage of movies and dance.

Wenders, who so wanted to see the world through Pina's eyes, has done something even better. He's allowed posterity to see her world, and in a way as breathtaking as the work itself.

Even for someone who would rather count sheep than attend a ballet, these scenes are nothing short of astonishing, beautifully presenting dance's ability to depict words.

A milestone in dance and 3D filmmaking.

You won't hear the names Merce Cunningham, Martha Graham, Paul Taylor or Bob Fosse breathed herein.

An exhilarating experience, both in its celebration of Bausch's groundbreaking work and in the thrilling way that Wenders captures it on camera.

It's not an overview of Bausch's career or a statement on her art, but a celebration of her work and the dancers who bring it to life.

This is a stunning film, a glorious homage to modern dance and one of its premier authors and the best justification of 3D technology to date.

More Critic Reviews

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Chavez celebrates 20th anniversary of coup attempt (AP)

CARACAS, Venezuela ? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez celebrated the 20th anniversary of the failed coup attempt that launched his political career on Saturday, presiding over a military parade while fighter jets and helicopters roared overhead.

Chavez was flanked by allies including Cuban President Raul Castro and Bolivian President Evo Morales while his military showed off some of its newest and most sophisticated weapons, including Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles mounted on trucks.

Chavez also used the occasion to reiterate to Venezuelans that the military is firmly behind him as he runs for re-election in October.

"From now on we will have generals, admirals, officers and troops (who are) revolutionaries, anti-imperialists, socialists and Chavistas, so that it hurts the bourgeoisie and imperialism all the more," the president said at the televised parade. "The armed force is Chavista."

Chavez's adversaries have condemned the increasingly politicized military leadership as the president has recently promoted outspoken loyalists to top posts. Chavez, who survived a 2002 coup that briefly ousted him, has since sought to ensure the military is solidly behind him.

Presidents Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua and Michel Martelly of Haiti also accompanied Chavez at the parade in the military base Fort Tiuna in Caracas. They planned to attend a weekend summit of the eight-nation Bolivarian Alliance bloc, or ALBA, which Chavez has promoted.

Chavez was an army paratroop commander when he led the failed attempt to topple the government of President Carlos Andres Perez on Feb. 4, 1992. Chavez was jailed and later pardoned.

The government has held celebrations on the date since Chavez took office in 1999. Opponents have criticized the festivities while noting that dozens were killed in the coup attempt.

"How can a failed coup that was unjustified, violent and bloody ... be celebrated?" asked Carlos Vecchio, an opposition politician.

Chavez said the military coup attempt of 1992 was a rebellion against political leaders who were "subordinated to U.S. imperialism."

He said the sort of generals who were in charge two decades ago "will never again exist in Venezuela."


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Saturday 4 February 2012

Family Tree Maker gets blocked - Untangle Forums

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I submitted the problem a week or two (or three) ago but it seems to have not made it to the forums.
I have done all I can to get Family Tree Maker 2012 to work but it keeps blocking access to the website. I can get to it from my work computer ... which doesn't help since I need to WORK; but it will not connect at home. Both use Untangle as the firewall.
Can anyone help me? (I am at work now but I can check settings when I get home.)


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Friday 3 February 2012

Romania rescues children as Europe's freeze deepens (Reuters)

BUCHAREST (Reuters) ? Nine Romanian children were taken into care after a baby died in an unheated house, joining at least 189 others killed by a Siberian front which strengthened its hold over Eastern Europe on Friday and spread further west.

Temperatures plummeted to minus 37 Celsius (minus 35 Fahrenheit) in northern Slovakia and rescue workers dug through snow on mountain roads to rescue stranded bus passengers in the Balkans.

In Romania, 80 percent of the Danube river was frozen over stopping ships sailing to the Black Sea, but the biggest concern was for children in the European Union's second poorest country.

Child protection officers in the city of Iasi took three girls into care after a four-month-old baby died in an unheated house where temperatures dipped as low as minus 20C (minus 4 F).

"These children were already suffering from malnutrition. When the cold hit, their situation went from bad to worse to catastrophic," a spokesman told Reuters.

As many as 15,000 children in Iasi may be at risk from the cold and a further six children had been taken into care, the spokesman said. The cold snap has so far killed 24 people in Romania and 11 in neighboring Bulgaria.

The European Union said the supply of Russian gas fell further to some Eastern European states as well as Italy, Greece and Austria, but said it was not yet facing an emergency. All EU states have obtained extra gas from other sources.

In Ukraine 101 people have now died - a further 38 in the past 24 hours - and supermarkets are short of food as trucks struggle to make deliveries. Eight more have died in Poland since Thursday.

Clare Nullis, spokeswoman for the U.N.'s World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), told reporters that Europe's unseasonably warm December and January meant this would not be a record-breaking winter.


However, those words were little comfort to many in the Balkans where fresh snow overnight added to the crisis.

The Serbian government has so far declared a state of emergency in 19 municipalities in the south and east, where six people have died from cold.

In the southern region of Svrljig, firefighters worked for hours to evacuate passengers from a bus stranded on a mountain road, while a second bus was trapped by an avalanche in the eastern Bosnian village of Krupac. No casualties were reported.

"The situation has worsened," said Predrag Maric, head of the Serbian Interior Ministry's Department for Emergencies.

A funeral procession near the border with Macedonia was stuck for four hours and had to transfer the coffin to a 4x4 jeep. In the northern town of Ecka, workers in a local fishery had to use pneumatic drills to break ice and get to the fish.

"I have not seen anything like this for more than two decades," said fisherman Nikola Kircic.

Local hunters were using tractors to take food to animals in the mountains of southwestern Satornja.

"Roe deer and other small game are on the verge of starvation as the grass is under heavy snow," said local hunter Momir Nikolic.

Albania registered its first casualty, a 63-year-old man believed to have died from the cold on his way home in the northern region of Bulqize.

German weather service DWD said it expected extreme cold to continue in central and eastern Europe for the next four days, but that temperatures would rise back above freezing point in most parts of France and Britain.


As the Siberian front moved west, Dutch ice breakers cleared access to Rotterdam, Europe's biggest port.

But organizers of the Elfstedentocht - a 200km (125 mile) speed skating race across the country's waterways - were praying for thicker ice in the hope they could stage the competition for the first time since 1997. Dozens of over-enthusiastic skaters fell through the ice as they tested conditions.

Other sporting fixtures across the continent have been cancelled.

Croatia's Adriatic coast and many of its islands were blanketed in snow - rare so far south - covering palm trees in the port of Split and bringing some residents out on skis.

The island of Solta, just off Split, saw 30 cm (12 inches) of snow.

Across the Adriatic in Italy, the heaviest snowfall in the capital Rome since the 1980s closed tourists attractions including the Colosseum and the Forum.

An 82-year-old man became the first casualty in France after dying of hypothermia on Friday. The man had left his house in eastern France with just his pajamas to protect him from minus 14C (minus 7F) temperatures.

Lorry traffic across the south of the country was suspended.

In the Baltic states, no strangers to cold weather, parts of eastern Latvia and Lithuania saw record lows of minus 30C (minus 22F), and lender Swedbank warned some cash machines would break down.

The Czech Republic's capital Prague shut a major section of the city's ring road after a burst pipe sprayed water across the highway, creating a 400-metre-long sheet of ice.

An emergency services spokesman there said one man had apparently used the cold to commit suicide. "He drank a bottle of alcohol, took his clothes off and sat in a park."

(Additional reporting by Aleksandar Vasovic in Belgrade, Maja Zuvela in Sarajevo, Benet Koleka in Tirana, Nicholas Vinocur in Paris and Gilbert Reilhac in Strasbourg, Jan Korselt in Prague, Martin Santa in Bratislava, Aleks Tapinsh in Riga, Gabriela Baczynska in Warsaw, Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; Writing by Matt Robinson; Editing by Ben Harding)


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Thursday 2 February 2012

Shares unsteady amid mixed China data (AP)

SHANGHAI ? World stock markets were mixed Wednesday, as a modest improvement in manufacturing data from China offered reassurance over its economic slowdown, though Asian markets fell back from early gains.

Benchmark oil hovered below $99 per barrel while the dollar rose against the euro but fell against the yen.

In early European trading, Britain's FTSE 100 advanced 0.8 percent to 5,724.91 and Germany's DAX both rose 1.1 percent at 6,525.76. France's CAC-40 jumped 1.3 percent to 3,340.45. Wall Street was set to open higher, with Dow Jones industrial futures rising 0.2 percent at 12,607 and S&P 500 futures gaining 0.2 percent at 1,310.40.

A better-than-expected Chinese manufacturing index for January, issued by a government federation, fueled an early rally in most markets across Asia. But that evaporated after the release later in the morning of a competing, seasonally adjusted survey by HSBC suggesting conditions were still deteriorating.

Tokyo's Nikkei 225 edged up less than 0.1 percent to close at 8,809.79. Hong Kong's Hang Seng was down 0.3 percent to 20,333.37 while Seoul's Kospi added 0.2 percent to 1,959.24.

By afternoon, shares in mainland China had retreated back into negative territory, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shedding 1.2 percent to 2,268.08.

"Rumors that pension funds will not be invested in shares have raised worries over inadequate liquidity," said Cai Dagui, an analyst at Ping'an Securities, based in Shenzhen.

Shares will likely remain unstable as investors await annual earnings reports, he said.

The mixed signals from China compounded uncertainties over its outlook, showing that despite resilient consumer demand exports remain sluggish.

Such concerns are especially acute for Australia, whose economy has thrived on exports of coal, iron ore and other commodities to China.

Australia's S&P/ASX 200 fell 0.9 percent to 4,225.70, while India's Sensex edged 0.1 percent higher to 17,208.68.

Taiwan, Indonesia and New Zealand gained ground, though Singapore declined.

Overnight Tuesday, an unexpected drop in U.S. consumer confidence dragged shares down on Wall Street, where the Dow Jones industrial average lost 20.81 points, or 0.2 percent, to 12,632.91. The S&P slipped 0.60 point to 1,312.41 while the Nasdaq composite index rose 1.90 points to close at 2,813.84.

Overall, though, U.S. shares had their best start in 15 years, thanks to a modest improvement in the economy. Sentiment was further buoyed by hopes of progress in Europe after leaders there agreed on the broad outlines of a deal to tie the countries that use the euro closer together and on hopes that Greece is close to a debt-reduction deal with private creditors.

Benchmark oil for March delivery gained 38 cents to $98.85 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 30 cents to end at $98.48 per barrel in New York on Tuesday.

In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3070 from $1.3084 late Tuesday in New York. The dollar fell to 76.16 yen from 76.20 yen.


Researcher Fu Ting contributed to this report.


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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Afghan Taliban deny they're ready to talk peace

Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, center left, talks with Afghan counterpart Zalmai Rasool during their meeting in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday Feb. 1, 2012. Pakistan's foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, visited Kabul on Wednesday to mend relations and insisted her country has no hidden agenda in Afghanistan. Khar said Pakistan will back a peace process with the Taliban as long as it's driven by Afghans and not other figures on the international stage. (AP Photo/S.Sabawoon, Pool)

Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, center left, talks with Afghan counterpart Zalmai Rasool during their meeting in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday Feb. 1, 2012. Pakistan's foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, visited Kabul on Wednesday to mend relations and insisted her country has no hidden agenda in Afghanistan. Khar said Pakistan will back a peace process with the Taliban as long as it's driven by Afghans and not other figures on the international stage. (AP Photo/S.Sabawoon, Pool)

Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar speaks during a joint press conference with her Afghan counterpart Zalmai Rasool, unseen, at the foreign ministry in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Ahmad Jamshid)

Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, left, speaks during a joint press conference with her Afghan counterpart Zalmai Rasool at the foreign ministry in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Ahmad Jamshid)

Afghan women walk during a rainy hour in Qalay-e-Naw, Badghis province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Hoshang Hashimi)

(AP) ? The Taliban denied Wednesday that the movement is planning direct talks with the Afghan government to end the 10-year-old war, while a leaked NATO report suggested the insurgents are confident they will regain power after international troops leave.

While both developments were setbacks to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's efforts to broker peace, his government got a boost from Pakistan's top diplomat who declared her nation's support for an Afghan-led reconciliation process.

"Our only prerequisite to be supportive of an initiative is that it should be Afghan-led. It should be Afghan-owned. It should be Afghan-driven and Afghan-backed," Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said at the Afghan Foreign Ministry.

While she didn't mention the United States, Afghan officials have complained privately that the peace effort has so far been dominated by American efforts and talks with Taliban representatives. Washington insists it is only setting the stage, and any eventual talks must involve Karzai's government.

The Taliban were responding to widespread reports that Karzai's government was seeking direct talks with the Taliban in Saudi Arabia ? a move seen as an attempt by the Afghan leader to take charge of the peace effort.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid rejected those reports as "baseless," saying in a statement that exploratory talks between the insurgency and the U.S. and its allies have not yet reached the stage for negotiations.

"Before the negotiation phase, there should be trust-building between the sides, which has not started yet," Mujahid said.

The Taliban calls the Afghan government a puppet regime. The insurgency, however, has agreed to set up a political office in the Gulf state of Qatar and has acknowledged having preliminary discussions with the Americans.

U.S. intelligence officials acknowledged Tuesday that to build trust with the Taliban, the United States may release several Afghan Taliban prisoners from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper told Congress that no decision had been made whether to trade the five Taliban prisoners, now held at Guantanamo Bay, as part of the nascent peace talks with the Taliban. He and CIA Director David Petraeus did not dispute that the Obama administration was considering transferring the five to a third country.

Karzai was angry that Qatar had agreed to host a Taliban political office without consulting his government, according to a senior Afghan official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly. Karzai prefers Saudi Arabia or Turkey where he believes he would have the upper hand in guiding the talks, the official said. The Afghan government fears that the U.S., anxious to wrap up a decade in Afghanistan, will try to impose a political settlement with the Taliban, the official said.

Khar was the first high-level Pakistani official to visit Kabul since last fall when relations between the neighboring countries soured after the assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, a former Afghan president and former head of the government's peace council. He was killed in his Kabul home Sept. 20, 2011 by a suicide bomber posing as a peace emissary from the Taliban. Afghan officials blamed the killing on insurgents based in Pakistan.

Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmay Rasoul hailed Khar's visit as a breakthrough toward better relations and said the region will find no permanent peace until Pakistan offers serious and honest cooperation.

The ministry also announced that Karzai would travel to Islamabad Feb. 16 and 17. During the visit, he is expected to push Pakistan to follow through on concrete steps Afghanistan wants Pakistan to take to facilitate the peace process, according to an Afghan official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the delicate negotiations.

Khar's visit to Kabul came on the same day that a classified NATO report was released, claiming that the Taliban believe they will return to power after the U.S.-led coalition ends its combat role in Afghanistan in 2014, NATO officials said. The captured Taliban fighters also believed they were receiving support from Pakistan and that they were doing well on the battlefield, the officials said.

Khar denounced the report, which was based on the interrogation of thousands of insurgent prisoners.

"This is old wine in an even older bottle. I don't think these claims are new," she said.

"So I think that I can just disregard this as potentially a strategic leak or otherwise."

NATO officials cautioned that the report was a summary of interrogations and was not based on an intelligence analysis.

"There is an expression in the report that they are basing themselves on the support from Pakistan," said Brig. Gen. Carsten Jacobson, a spokesman for the U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan.

Jacobson said the report was a "compilation of investigations, or interrogations straight after detainment, so we can not really put that high a value on what they are saying. They are talking (about) their perception of the campaign, what they believe about how the campaign is going, and what they want us to believe about how their campaign is going."

He said most of the captured fighters think that "they are still having a successful role" on the ground but that perception was wrong.

"The insurgency is clearly on the back foot. We have been pressurizing them over the summer, we have taken vast amounts of land out of their hands and we have detained a high number" of militants, Jacobson said.

In Brussels, a senior NATO official also said the alliance has no doubt that insurgents are infiltrating the Afghan security forces. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of standing rules.

The assertion came after a string of killings of foreign forces by their Afghan counterparts.

U.S. defense officials told the U.S. House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that the number of insider attacks in Afghanistan has dramatically increased. Seventy-five percent of the more than 40 incidents since 2007 happened in the past two years. Most of the attackers acted out of personal motivation, and were not directed by insurgents.

The attacks have killed 70 coalition troops and wounded another 110.

In the latest such incident, an Afghan soldier shot and killed a NATO service member in southern Afghanistan late Tuesday, although the circumstances were unclear. The U.S.-led military coalition said it was an attack, while an Afghan commander called it an accident.


Associated Press writers Patrick Quinn in Kabul and Slobodan Lekic in Brussels contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Researchers visualize the development of Parkinson's cells

Researchers visualize the development of Parkinson's cells [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Jan-2012
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Contact: Katherine Scott
617-765-4367 x301
The Journal of Visualized Experiments

In the US alone, at least 500,000 people suffer from Parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to control his or her movement. New technology from the University of Bonn in Germany lets researchers observe the development of the brain cells responsible for the disease.

Up until now, research into the brain cells responsible for Parkinson's disease has focused on the function and degeneration of these neurons in the adult and aging brain. The new tissue slicing method, which will be published in the world's only peer-reviewed science video journal, the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), allows scientists to observe the development of these brain cells for the first time.

"Little is known about the behavior of these neurons during their differentiation and migration phase," said article author Dr. Sandra Blaess, "and with this technique, we can really observe how these cells behave during development."

The new technique also makes the cells available for genetic manipulation, and more information about how these cells develop and function could lead to new treatment options.

"Being able to visualize cell development in this area of the brain is exciting," said JoVE Editor Dr. Claire Standen. "The availability of this technique could help scientists understand diseases of the dopaminergic system such as Parkinson's."


To watch the video-article, which will be published in JoVE on Jan. 31, please follow the link:

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Researchers visualize the development of Parkinson's cells [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Jan-2012
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Contact: Katherine Scott
617-765-4367 x301
The Journal of Visualized Experiments

In the US alone, at least 500,000 people suffer from Parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to control his or her movement. New technology from the University of Bonn in Germany lets researchers observe the development of the brain cells responsible for the disease.

Up until now, research into the brain cells responsible for Parkinson's disease has focused on the function and degeneration of these neurons in the adult and aging brain. The new tissue slicing method, which will be published in the world's only peer-reviewed science video journal, the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), allows scientists to observe the development of these brain cells for the first time.

"Little is known about the behavior of these neurons during their differentiation and migration phase," said article author Dr. Sandra Blaess, "and with this technique, we can really observe how these cells behave during development."

The new technique also makes the cells available for genetic manipulation, and more information about how these cells develop and function could lead to new treatment options.

"Being able to visualize cell development in this area of the brain is exciting," said JoVE Editor Dr. Claire Standen. "The availability of this technique could help scientists understand diseases of the dopaminergic system such as Parkinson's."


To watch the video-article, which will be published in JoVE on Jan. 31, please follow the link:

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