Wednesday 31 October 2012

IMF delegation in Egypt for talks on crucial loan

CAIRO (AP) ? A delegation from the International Monetary Fund is back in Egypt for critical negotiations over a $4.8 billion loan to help bolster the country's ailing economy, a presidential spokesman said Tuesday.

It is not yet clear when the formal talks will begin. The delegation is expected to be in Egypt for a couple of weeks to discuss an economic reform program that the fund's officials have been seeking as a prerequisite before granting the loan.

The prospective loan has set off debate over what remains a largely unknown government reform program.

President Mohammed Morsi met Tuesday with his economic team, including the prime minister and the central bank governor, to discuss talks with the IMF, said Yasser Ali, a spokesman for the Egyptian president.

Egypt's economy plummeted following last year's uprising that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak. Growth rates dropped in the wake of the revolt, foreign reserves were cut nearly in half over the past 18 months, as tourism revenues and foreign investment shrank.

Government officials say the deficit for the last fiscal year that ended this summer reached nearly 11 percent of the GDP, at $22 billion. According to the Finance Ministry, the deficit for the first three months of this fiscal year is already nearly 23 percent higher than the same time last year, indicating that government estimates aimed at reducing the deficit to 7.6 percent of the GDP this year may be unrealistic.

IMF officials said the talks over Egypt's reform program would focus on measures to reduce the budget deficit without negatively impacting growth rates. But officials say such a program must address huge energy subsidies, which account for nearly half of state subsidies and which, in turn, consume over 27 percent of the state budget.

However, reducing subsidies is an explosive issue in a country where more than 40 percent of the country's 83 million live on less than $2 dollars a day.

There has been criticism of the government's plan to borrow from the IMF, though few other options have been suggested. Egyptian officials hope the loan would raise investor confidence and open other avenues for financing from international donors. A deal is expected before the end of the year.

Initial talks over the loan stalled earlier this year because of differences between the then-ruling military and Egypt's political leaders. The Islamist-led parliament opposed a deal, saying that a transitional government should not sign an agreement worth with billions of dollars because it would place a burden on the future government.

Salma Hussein, an economics writer, said with Egypt's parliament dissolved, there is no way for the public or their representatives to follow the negotiations or vote on the loan.

She said the government has yet to publish or announce its economic program to the public.

"We started the other way around. We said we will borrow, and then are devising a program to deal with our problems," she said. "No states with large economies and huge debts would go down the road of foreign borrowing."

Earlier this month, Morsi promised to overhaul the decades-old subsidies program and reiterated his pledge to abide by Islamic banking laws and not agree to pay interest on the loan, telling a cheering crowd that "we'll go hungry before we eat off interest."

In an interview in the daily al-Watan newspaper on Sunday, Finance Minister Mumtaz el-Said said the reform plan will restructure energy subsidies and introduce some changes to taxes, particularly on luxury goods. He didn't elaborate.

Masood Ahmed, IMF's director of the Middle East and Central Asia, recently said he expected the Egyptian program to address fiscal and external imbalances, while laying the foundation for growth and generating new jobs.

The IMF will look to see if the Egyptian proposal can reduce the deficit "in a way that does not adversely affect vulnerable households and poorer people" or negatively impact growth, Ahmed said.

Also Tuesday, an Egypt administrative court declared Centamin's concession agreement to extract gold from Egypt's Sukari mine void. The case is the latest incident of court rulings challenging contracts signed during the time of former President Hosni Mubarak. The rulings could fuel concerns among foreign investors.

The court said the agreement's terms were unfavorable to the government, which got $19 million of the $875 million worth of gold extracted and sold.

Centamin said in a statement that the court has no jurisdiction over the concession, which it said remains in force. It said it had received no written judgment.


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Friday 26 October 2012

Believe It or Not, People Are Praising James O'Keefe's Latest Scheme

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On Wednesday afternoon, James O'Keefe dropped his latest YouTube bomb and unlike his recent videos, it actually caused a stir. In it, an O'Keefe foot soldier named Nathan approaches Patrick Moran, son of Democratic Rep. Jim Moran and field director for his father's campaign, in a coffee shop with a hidden camera and asks him that he wants to commit voter fraud with a list of 100 inactive voters. Moran brushes off the would be criminal at first and says it would be "tough." But when pressed, Moran eventually explains that he'd need to forge utility bills of bank statements of the inactive voters and suggests that he call the people on the list to make sure they haven't already voted. In effect, he gave advice to someone wanting to commit voter fraud. O'Keefe released the video, and just minutes later, Moran resigned his position with his father's campaign.

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At first glance, this is just James being James. Corner a political opponent into saying or doing something controversial, secretly film the whole thing, release a YouTube video, declare a conservative victory. Everybody knows that O'Keefe's batting average is pretty questionable, though. Sure, he scored big with the ACORN scandal and managed to push a couple NPR executives out of a job, but more often than not, the 28-year-old makes a fool out of himself.

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This time around, though, he's winning some unexpected praise from some unexpected folks. One of them is Salon's political reporter Alex Seitz-Wald who got straight to the point with the headline on his blog post about the incident: James O'Keefe Does Something Right. Seitz-Wald explains O'Keefe's successful stunt, providing a very useful tally of his past failed stunts along the way, and he admits that O'Keefe didn't necessarily completely deceive the viewer like he usually does. "There are no misleading editing tricks (we watched the full raw video) and Nathan Moran?s comments were detailed, extensive, and clear," writes Seitz-Wald who ultimately offers "a small, grudging tip of the hat to James O?Keefe, who finally did something sort of right and exposed something fishy."

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Some less direct praise for O'Keefe comes from Jon Healey at The Los Angeles Times. "I think O'Keefe is good at capturing people with broken moral compasses, not proving criminality," Healey wrote in his coverage of the incident. "Moran showed himself as someone willing to support a voter-fraud scheme, if not necessarily to cast fraudulent votes himself?" That is not to say that Healey didn't also have a healthy dose of criticism for how O'Keefe carried out the sting, but the end result remains the same. O'Keefe created a questionable situation for a?prominent political figure to say something questionable. Said figure said something questionable. Said figure lost his job.

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Perhaps the biggest piece of praise O'Keefe received from anyone, however, was a lack of negative press. The majority of the coverage?about the Moran case is basically straightforward, focusing on Moran's offenses more than O'Keefe's process. Sure, it didn't attract the level of attention or controversy that the ACORN or NPR sting operations did. But O'Keefe did manage to make a point and have it heard. Furthermore, he didn't have to face any criminal charges in the process. Not yet, anyways.


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Thursday 25 October 2012

In presidential debate, President Obama is no dove, and Mitt Romney is no hawk (+video)

President Obama told Mitt Romney in last night's presidential debate: 'You say you would do the same things we did, but you would just say them louder.' Commentators draw sharp distinctions between the two men, but?their foreign policy similarities are more striking than the differences.

By Michael Fullilove / October 23, 2012

Mitt Romney and President Obama shake hands after the third presidential debate at Lynn University, Oct. 22, in Boca Raton, Fla. Op-ed contributor Michael Fullilove writes: 'Obama is not as left-wing and dovish as many believe, and Romney is not as right-wing and hawkish as he would have us believe....Americans have a foreign policy choice to make in November. But the world is not at a crossroads because of it.'

Win McNamee/AP


President Obama landed a lot of punches in the presidential debate on foreign policy with Mitt Romney in Boca Raton, Fla. He was sharp, aggressive, and generally presidential, attacking Mr. Romney in almost every answer. His boast about his ?strong and steady leadership? as opposed to Romney?s ?wrong and reckless leadership? was telling. The president mocked his Republican opponent?s understanding of defense policy, explaining that the Pentagon?s horses-and-bayonets budget has fallen over time.

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Mr. Obama?s truest line of the night, however, was when he said to Romney: ?You say you would do the same things we did, but you would just say them louder...??Many media commentators have drawn sharp distinctions between the two candidates on international issues. Global perceptions of the two men are also noticeably different: Most of the Western world wants Obama to win.

In truth, however, the foreign-policy similarities between the two men are more striking than the differences. Obama is not as left-wing and dovish as many believe, and Romney is not as right-wing and hawkish as he would have us believe.

Obama has governed as a cautious realist, focused principally on America?s national interests. Obama?s speeches are about hope and change, but his foreign policy is about reasonableness and balance. He has also demonstrated a clear willingness to use force, sometimes unilaterally, to protect US security and interests.

It is harder to make judgments about Romney?s foreign policies. His few interventions on the topic have not been impressive. If we believe his rhetoric, then should he be elected, the foreign policy right-wing is back in business. Romney has criticized Obama for being a serial apologizer, promised a more muscular approach toward America?s adversaries, and vowed to usher in a new American Century.

But Romney?s heart doesn?t seem to be in it. His character and experiences indicate that he would more likely be a careful, analytical foreign policy-maker, who bases his decisions on expert advice and facts rather than intuition.

Like Obama, Romney is a cautious, data-driven figure. He thinks with his head, not his gut. His proclivity for PowerPoint, like Obama?s penchant for the TelePrompter, speaks to a desire for order and control.

There are many examples of foreign-policy convergence between the candidates. For example, Obama seems to no longer believe that coalition forces should (or even can) bring stability to Afghanistan. And he plans to withdraw nearly all troops by the end of 2014. Romney is more hawkish in tone, but the substance of his policy on Afghanistan is hardly different, and he has had his own timetable for withdrawal (though he now stands behind 2014), even if it contains more caveats.

In Asia, Obama seeks to cooperate with Beijing, but he also intends to renew America?s presence in the region and maintain a balance of forces at a time when there is significant uncertainty about China?s future behavior.

Romney?s rhetoric on China has been several notches tougher, but he has focused largely on economic matters. It is hard to imagine him buying into a "clash of civilizations" with China, or muscling up to Beijing in a provocative manner. A continuation of the Obama approach seems more likely. Indeed, in Boca Raton it was Romney who was the panda-hugger, rejecting Obama?s characterization of China as an ?adversary.?


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Greece wins more time for austerity cuts - Financial Post

ATHENS ? Greece?s finance minister said on Wednesday that his country had been given additional time by its international lenders to impose its austerity cuts, an assertion played down by leading EU officials.

European paymaster Germany said the EU would only decide on the matter after receiving a report on Greece?s progress from the ?troika? of lenders ? the European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
ECB President Mario Draghi said no final decision had been made.

Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras, however, said the delay has been agreed and that a new package of austerity measures would get a parliamentary vote next week.

After months of wrangling on a package of spending cuts and reforms, he said the near-bankrupt country had won additional concessions from its lenders and largely wrapped up talks on the package.

?Today, we obtained the extension,? Yannis Stournaras told parliament, referring to being given an additional two years to hit bailout targets, something Athens has been lobbying for.

?All the scenarios that we are working with the (international lenders) are based on the assumption of an extension,? he added.

An earlier Reuters report cited a draft agreement between Greece and the troika. It specified that Athens will have the four years through 2016 rather than 2014 to hit its budget deficit targets.

Speaking in Berlin, Draghi said: ?The review is not yet finished. I understand progress has been made, but some parts need to be defined.?

Stournaras said he would tell eurozone colleagues meeting on Thursday that the package was ready to be put to the Greek parliament next week. In the meantime, Greece was still seeking further concessions from its lenders on the 13.5 billion euro package.

?To a great extent, the negotiations have been completed,? Stournaras said. ?But even now, we are trying for improvements.?

A deal on the package is crucial for Greece?s efforts to unlock more aid under its latest bailout, with the country just three weeks away from running out of cash.


The domestic battle in Athens was not over.

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras?s allies ? the small Democratic Left party and the PASOK Socialists ? have yet to back the austerity package, and will examine the concessions made before deciding their stance, a party official said.

Both parties have refused to support demands by foreign lenders to cut wages and reduce severance payments, but have maintained that they do not want to jeopardise the government or Greece?s place in the eurozone.

Stournaras urged the parties to change their stance, saying the government had eked out more concessions from lenders.

?This morning, after an all-night effort, the troika backed down on two main issues ? severance payments and the notice period required before a layoff,? Stournaras told parliament.

The package will be put to parliament next week in two separate bills on austerity cuts and labour reforms, he said. That was aimed at ensuring the austerity cuts are passed in parliament even if the Democratic Left party voted against the labour reforms, Greek officials said.

Stournaras also openly raised the issue of inflicting losses on the country?s official sector lenders by saying Greece is trying cut its debt mountain by asking for lower interest rates and an extension of maturities on its bailout loans.

Athens? debt was already cut by 106-billion euros earlier this year under a deal that inflicted losses on private-sector bondholders.

But with its economy mired in its deepest postwar recession and sluggish privatisation receipts, there is a growing sense in Europe that Greece will need additional debt relief to meet its bailout targets.

Greek debt soared to 171% of GDP last year from 148% in 2010 and EU officials privately acknowledge it is likely to widely overshoot a target to bring its debt down to 120% of gross domestic product by 2020.

Last month, Greek Deputy Finance Minister Christos Staikouras had said that Athens may ask the European Central Bank to roll over some of the 50-billion euros worth of Greek bonds it holds.

Officials in Athens have also proposed that their country?s banks should be recapitalised directly from Europe?s bailout fund ? a move that would automatically wipe out about 50-billion euros from Greek books.

? Thomson Reuters 2012


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Harrison Ford Skin Cancer - Malignant Tumor on Nose? | Gossip Cop

Truth rating: 2

Calista Flockhart Harrison Ford


?Does Harrison Ford have cancer?? asks the National Enquirer.

The tabloid?s headline screams ?Cancer Scare,? with the article claiming the actor ?has what several top medical experts believe could be a malignant skin tumor on his nose.?

?And while the blemish ? likely a basal cell carcinoma, according to doctors ? is not life-threatening, Harrison could soon face surgery that might threaten his image as a Hollywood leading man!? declares the magazine.

According to the Enquirer, Ford?s wife Calista Flockhart is ?concerned.?

?Harrison usually takes these things in stride,? explains a so-called ?insider,? adding, ?But Calista is much younger than Harrison, so she naturally worries about his health.?

Fortunately, Ford?s health is not a matter of actual concern.

Instead, it?s just another example of a tabloid looking for any excuse to exaggerate a less serious problem into a ?scare.?

A rep for Ford tells Gossip Cop that while the actor did have a benign basal cell carcinoma removed, he?s perfectly fine and no one is anxious about his health.

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Barnes & Noble says PIN pads in 63 stores hacked

NEW YORK (AP) ? Barnes & Noble Inc. said Tuesday that devices used by customers to swipe credit and debit cards have been tampered with in 63 of its stores in nine states.

The company warned customers to check for unauthorized transactions and to change their personal identification numbers, or PINs. It didn't say how many accounts may have been compromised.

But The New York Times, citing a high-ranking company official it did not name, reported that hackers had made unauthorized purchases on some customer credit cards.

The New York-based bookseller said in a statement Tuesday only one of the devices, known as PIN pads, was tampered with in each of the 63 stores. The stores are in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

All the PIN pads in its nearly 700 stores nationwide were disconnected on Sept. 14 after the company learned of the tampering. Federal authorities are helping in its investigation.

Barnes & Noble said it is working with banks and card issuers to identify compromised accounts so that additional fraud-protection measures can be taken.

Customers at its book stores will now have to ask cashiers to swipe credit or debit cards on card readers connected to cash registers, a process that is secure, Barnes & Noble said.

Anything bought on Barnes & or with the chain's Nook devices and app were not affected, the company said. It also said its customer database is secure.

Barnes & Noble is only the latest major retailer to be a victim of a serious data breach. In one of the largest, more than 45 million credit and debit cards were exposed to possible fraud because of hackers who broke into the computer system of TJX Cos., the parent company of retailers T.J. Maxx and Marshall's, starting in 2005.


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Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Correct Them - Web Design

If you have been blogging for a while without seeing any significant results, chances are you are doing something wrong. Once you discover any blogging mistakes and rectify them, your blog will skyrocket at a pace you have never imagined.

But how do you know whether you are making certain mistakes or not? Below are the signs that can help you determine that.

Four Signs of Blogging Mistakes

When you encounter any of the following problems in your blogging initiative, then you must change your approach.

1. Lack of comments from blog readers. This can be a sign that you are not giving them the type of content they need to solve their problems. Also, your articles may not be engaging enough.

2. Low or no traffic at all. It is difficult to drive traffic to a site or web page that lacks basic SEO tactics including on and off-page optimization and link building with anchor text variation.

3. Not ranking for any keyword in your niche. Without ensuring that relevant keywords are present within the content of a website, there is no way it can be ranked appropriately.

4. No knowledge about your blogging progress. Failure to install an analytics tool into a website will make it difficult to track its performance. In other words, you will not be able to know what is working and what is not. As a result, you are bound to repeat the mistakes that are hindering success and miss out on opportunities for advancement.

Common Blogging Mistakes and Their Possible Solutions

Below are common blogging errors and how you can correct them to achieve your goal.

Lack of Keyword Research

It is impossible to achieve any blogging goal without a keywords research plan. Keywords are very important in content writing, link building and website ranking on Google and other search engines.

Through keyword research, you will be able to find out what your target audience wants to know about your product or service and the search terms that they are most likely to use when seeking information about your topic.

Solution: Set aside time for proper keyword research and compile a list of relevant keywords pertaining to various topics you are covering on your blog.

Bad SEO Practice

Besides your blog, every piece of content you write must be optimized so that it can be easily found by your target audience. This is where proper SEO practices come in. If you fail to optimize your blog and its content, it will be difficult to for Google and other search engines to index them appropriately, and for your prospective clients to find the information.

Solution: Implement correct SEO practices on your blog by embedding primary keywords in it, building quality links within the blog and from good sources, and adding relevant keywords to every article that you publish.

Irrelevant Content

Publishing articles that are designed primarily to sell your product or service will scare prospective customers away from the blog. People are wary about the type of content they consume online when they are seeking information about a topic. If you don?t offer value to potential clients before pushing your product or service, they will leave your blog immediately and may never come back again.

Solution: Strive to create useful, helpful and informative articles that can help them better their lives or business on a consistent basis. It will help you establish a good relationship and trust with them, and consequently turn them into loyal customers.

On the internet, people judge a book by its cover. The same thing is true of a website or blog. The first thing that will drive people away from a website or blog is the design. A poor web design makes reading and navigation difficult and hinders credibility. This can repel potential clients in the blink of an eye.

Solution: Choose a professional looking theme for your blog; contact a savvy web design firm to help you build a professional blog theme with a beautiful interface.

No Editorial Calendar

Setting up a blog is one thing, but updating it on a regular basis is another situation that can make blogging challenging. Lack of planning and continual updating of a blog will keep readers away and will also affect its SEO.

Solution: Develop an editorial calendar that will help keep the blog updated regularly. With an editorial calendar, you will not have to worry about topic ideas to write about, and on what day. The benefit of having a calendar is that it can be updated on an ongoing basis and easily adjusted to fit your needs.

Lack of List Building

When potential clients land on your blog from any source, their chances of visiting again is very small. For this reason you must build a system that will help you stay in touch with them.

Solution: Building an email capturing system for collecting email addresses of prospective customers when they visit your site will help you stay in touch with them, and keep them updated about your blog.

Poor Writing

Any article with lots of grammatical errors and typos will drive readers away from your blog. Also, they will not take the information you produce seriously and will see you as an amateur in your industry. This will affect your credibility tremendously.

Solution: Practice good writing habits. Spend enough time on writing your articles to ensure that they are professional and informative. Step away from your article for a few hours or even days before publishing. You will be amazed at the number of errors that will show up. Edit and proofread content several times before hitting the publish button.

Without proper planning, blogging can be very challenging. To avoid any pitfalls in your blogging journey, put the above tips and advice into practice and you will be glad you did.

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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Investing in companies is 'the wrong way to go'? - The Maddow Blog

Getty Images

Towards the end of last night's debate, Mitt Romney had to get one more Solyndra reference in, knowing he wouldn't get another chance. But in the process, he raised an odd point.

"We in this country can compete successfully with anyone in the world. And we're going to. We're going to have to have a president, however, that doesn't think that somehow the government investing in car companies like Tesla and Fisker, making electric battery cars -- this is not research, Mr. President. These are the government investing in companies, investing in Solyndra. This is a company. This isn't basic research. I want to invest in research. Research is great. Providing funding to universities and think tanks -- great. But investing in companies? Absolutely not. That's the wrong way to go.

I certainly understand the underlying point here, and it's true that this president, like all modern presidents, believes there's nothing wrong with the government sometimes investing in private companies. Romney, however, wants voters to see this as some sort of socialism run amok -- as if the very idea is too radical to even contemplate.

After all, what kind of left-wing extremist would find it acceptable for the government to invest tax dollars directly in private companies? Well, perhaps a left-wing extremist like Mitt Romney, circa 2003.

Romney's actual record in public office seems to have slipped down the memory hole, but soon after Romney became governor in Massachusetts he invested $1.5 million in renewable energy subsidies to a private company called Konarka Technologies, which later went bankrupt. He also directed millions to?Evergreen Solar before it?filed for bankruptcy.

As we discussed in June, as outraged as Romney pretends to be now, as governor he argued public?investments shouldn't be left to free enterprise alone.?Indeed, Romney loved picking winners and losers with public funds -- even when it meant loan guarantees to firms that supported his campaign.

Maybe his "Romnesia" is spreading?


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Source confirms Romney using orange spray-on tan (Americablog)

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Nelly 'Hurt,' Baffled By Tour Bus Raid In Texas

NEW YORK ? For the majority of his recording career Nelly has kept things clean, and that's the way the St. Louis rap star intends to keep it.

Things got sketchy for the "Hot in Herre" spitter on October 11 when law enforcement officials in Texas pulled over his tour bus and uncovered heroin, over 10 pounds of marijuana and a loaded .45 caliber handgun. A member of Nelly's crew, Brian Keith, was arrested and Nelly ? who has not been charged with a crime in connection to the bus raid ? quickly released a statement distancing himself from the drama.

But weeks later, Nelly is still bothered by the situation.

"I think it's always alarming. I think in this case it's really alarming when you find yourself in a situation that you didn't put yourself in," he told MTV News on Tuesday (October 23). "That's the only thing that I think is baffling, and I think that's the part that hurts the most."

Even though the dirty version of Nelly's first single, 2000's "Country Grammar," contained veiled references to street-sweepers and drive-by shootings, the truth is the multiplatinum rap talent has gone to great lengths to keep a polished image and, for the most part, he has succeeded.

"It is my understanding a member of my staff made an unfortunate decision to bring unlawful materials onto our tour bus that resulted in his arrest this morning, October 11th," Nelly said in a statement, addressing the bust earlier this month. "Neither I nor anyone else on the tour bus was aware of his decision to bring these on board. Law enforcement officials in Sierra Blanca, Texas did not press charges against anyone other than that individual."

The music star has a new mixtape and album on the horizon and he looks to continue building his brand. "For 14 years, I made my perception what I wanted to make my perception and now my perception may be slightly changed," he said of the possible fallout. "Not because of what I did, but because of what someone else did and I think that's the part that hurts you the most.

"If I'mma put a dent in anything that I do, then let me be the one to put that dent in it," he continued. "I think that's the only part that gets me."

No matter the circumstances, though, Nelly still views Keith as family. "It is a sensitive situation because, be that as it may, that's like family to me and sometimes family are the ones that hurt you the worse. But at the end of the day, they still are family," he said. "For a long time someone protected my life with their life, and be that as it may, I can't overlook that."


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84 million stars and counting: VISTA creates largest ever catalogue of center of Milky Way galaxy

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? Using a whopping nine-gigapixel image from the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory, an international team of astronomers has created a catalogue of more than 84 million stars in the central parts of the Milky Way. This gigantic dataset contains more than ten times more stars than previous studies and is a major step forward for the understanding of our home galaxy. The image gives viewers an incredible, zoomable view of the central part of our galaxy. It is so large that, if printed with the resolution of a typical book, it would be 9 metres long and 7 metres tall.

"By observing in detail the myriads of stars surrounding the centre of the Milky Way we can learn a lot more about the formation and evolution of not only our galaxy, but also spiral galaxies in general," explains Roberto Saito (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Universidad de Valparaiso and The Milky Way Millennium Nucleus, Chile), lead author of the study.

Most spiral galaxies, including our home galaxy the Milky Way, have a large concentration of ancient stars surrounding the centre that astronomers call the bulge. Understanding the formation and evolution of the Milky Way's bulge is vital for understanding the galaxy is a whole. However, obtaining detailed observations of this region is not an easy task.

"Observations of the bulge of the Milky Way are very hard because it is obscured by dust," says Dante Minniti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile), co-author of the study. "To peer into the heart of the galaxy, we need to observe in infrared light, which is less affected by the dust."

The large mirror, wide field of view and very sensitive infrared detectors of ESO's 4.1-metre Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) make it by far the best tool for this job. The team of astronomers is using data from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea programme (VVV) [1], one of six public surveys carried out with VISTA. The data have been used to create a monumental 108 200 by 81 500 pixel colour image containing nearly nine billion pixels. This is one of the biggest astronomical images ever produced. The team has now used these data to compile the largest catalogue of the central concentration of stars in the Milky Way ever created [2].

To help analyse this huge catalogue the brightness of each star is plotted against its colour for about 84 million stars to create a colour-magnitude diagram. This plot contains more than ten times more stars than any previous study and it is the first time that this has been done for the entire bulge. Colour-magnitude diagrams are very valuable tools that are often used by astronomers to study the different physical properties of stars such as their temperatures, masses and ages [3].

"Each star occupies a particular spot in this diagram at any moment during its lifetime. Where it falls depends on how bright it is and how hot it is. Since the new data gives us a snapshot of all the stars in one go, we can now make a census of all the stars in this part of the Milky Way," explains Dante Minniti.

The new colour-magnitude diagram of the bulge contains a treasure trove of information about the structure and content of the Milky Way. One interesting result revealed in the new data is the large number of faint red dwarf stars. These are prime candidates around which to search for small exoplanets using the transit method [4].

"One of the other great things about the VVV survey is that it's one of the ESO VISTA public surveys. This means that we're making all the data publicly available through the ESO data archive, so we expect many other exciting results to come out of this great resource," concludes Roberto Saito.


[1] The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey is an ESO public survey dedicated to scanning the southern plane and bulge of the Milky Way through five near-infrared filters. It started in 2010 and was granted a total of 1929 hours of observing time over a five-year period. Via Lactea is the Latin name for the Milky Way.

[2] The image used in this work covers about 315 square degrees of the sky (a bit less than 1% of the entire sky) and observations were carried out using three different infrared filters. The catalogue lists the positions of the stars along with their measured brightnesses through the different filters. It contains about 173 million objects, of which about 84 million have been confirmed as stars. The other objects were either too faint or blended with their neighbours or affected by other artefacts, so that accurate measurements were not possible. Others were extended objects such as distant galaxies.

The image used here required a huge amount of data processing, which was performed by Ignacio Toledo at the ALMA OSF. It corresponds to a pixel scale of 0.6 arcseconds per pixel, down-sampled from the original pixel scale 0.34 arcseconds per pixel.

[3] A colour-magnitude diagram is a graph that plots the apparent brightnesses of a set of objects against their colours. The colour is measured by comparing how bright objects look through different filters. It is similar to a Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram but the latter plots luminosity (or absolute magnitude) rather than just apparent brightness and a knowledge of the distances of the stars plotted is also needed.

[4] The transit method for finding planets searches for the small drop in brightness of a star that occurs when a planet passes in front of it and blocks some of its light. The small size of the red dwarf stars, typically with spectral types K and M, gives a greater relative drop in brightness when low-mass planets pass in front of them, making it easier to search for planets around them.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by European Southern Observatory - ESO.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. R. K. Saito, D. Minniti, B. Dias, M. Hempel, M. Rejkuba, J. Alonso-Garc?a, B. Barbuy, M. Catelan, J. P. Emerson, O. A. Gonzalez, P. W. Lucas, M. Zoccali. Milky Way demographics with the VVV survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012; 544: A147 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201219448

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday 23 October 2012

How to Hold a Team-Building Conversation at Work | Business News

Almost every employee has heard this mantra: We need to work as a team!

Team building is probably one of the most requested organizational development activities in business today, but like most things, with popularity comes saturation.

There are a lot of tools and techniques available to help teams learn to function better together. But the challenge is they aren?t all created equal and many of them require significant investment.?

As an organizational psychologist, I tend to take a pretty simplistic view of team building. To tweak a phrase from the world of real estate, it all comes down to communication, communication, communication.

When facilitating team communication, there are two core activities any manager or executive should focus on: building trust and generating dialogue. ????

Building Trust

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ?trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.? Just as most collaborative efforts, the development of trust is a two-way street. When it comes to building a high-performing team, it?s no different.? ?

Business professor Stephen Robbins defines trust as ?a positive expectation that another will not ? through words, actions, or decisions ? act opportunistically.? Integral to this definition is the fact that perceptions about what is opportunistic will differ between individuals. Building trust isn?t just about telling the truth, it?s about creating familiarity and developing a willingness to take risk. This begins with facilitating a conversation about trust among team members.

One model of trust that is useful for facilitating conversations comes from Schindler & Thomas (1993) and is comprised of five elements:

  • Integrity ? honesty and truth
  • Competence ? technical and interpersonal knowledge
  • Consistency ? reliability and predictability
  • Loyalty ? willingness to protect and/or sacrifice personal gain for that of the team
  • Openness ? ability to give and receive critical feedback

Trust is more than just honesty, it?s also about knowledge and appreciation for others. In order for open and free communication to flourish, you must cultivate a feeling of trust at multiple levels across the team.???

Generating Dialogue

Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, once said, ?When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.? Communication is about taking risk, which is why it?s important to come from a foundation of trust.

Generating dialogue can be tough. In any communication opinions will vary and emotions will run strong. Broaching a tough subject is never easy and always requires some risk. This is why it?s typically easy to just avoid confronting tough subjects. However, just like an untended wound, unspoken concerns will fester, ultimately creating more issues than necessary. ?

An excellent model for teaching teams to conduct conversations is the STATE model from the book Crucial Conversations (Patterson et al., 2001). ??

  • Share facts
  • Tell a story
  • Ask for their side
  • Talk tentatively
  • Encourage testing

Tough or crucial conversations are scary, awkward and stressful. But when done right they can be informative, transformative, and even empowering. Never be afraid to get things out in the open. The STATE model is a great way to manage and control tough and emotional conversations among team members. ?

All too often we spend our time rushing toward an undefined finish line while ignoring what?s going on around us. At the end of the day, team synergy is rooted in trust and open dialogue. Take the time to extract your team for the mayhem of everyday work and explore these two aspects of team synergy.


Michael ?Dr. Woody? Woodward, PhD is a CEC certified executive coach trained in organizational psychology. Dr. Woody is author of The YOU Plan: A 5-step Guide to Taking Charge of Your Career in the New Economy and is the founder of Human Capital Integrated (HCI), a firm focused on management and leadership development. Dr. Woody also sits on the advisory board of the Florida International University Center for Leadership.Follow Dr. Woody on Twitter and Facebook?

Business Search Terms

communication definition

Tags: Conversation, Hold, TeamBuilding, Work


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Russell Means, Indian activist, actor, dies at 72

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) ? Russell Means never shunned attention. Whether leading Native Americans in railing against broken federal treaties, appearing in a Hollywood blockbuster or advocating a sovereign American Indian nation within U.S. borders, the activist who helped lead the 1973 uprising at Wounded Knee reveled in the spotlight.

But it was only on his terms. Openly critical of mainstream media, the onetime leader of the American Indian Movement often refused interviews and verbally blasted journalists who showed up to cover his public appearances. Instead, he chose to speak to his fan base through YouTube videos and blog posts on his personal website.

When he did speak out publicly, he remained steadfast in his defense of AIM. He found himself dogged for decades by questions about the group's alleged involvement in the slaying of a tribe member and the several gun battles with federal officers during the 71-day occupation of Wounded Knee, but denied the group ever promoted violence.

"You people who want to continue to put AIM in this certain pocket of illegality, I can't stand you people," Means said, lashing out an at audience member question during an April gathering commemorating the uprising's 40th anniversary. "I wish I was a little bit healthier and a little bit younger, because I wouldn't just talk."

Means, who announced in August 2011 that he had developed inoperable throat cancer but told The Associated Press he was forgoing mainstream medical treatments in favor of traditional American Indian remedies, died early Monday at his ranch in in Porcupine, S.D., Oglala Sioux Tribe spokeswoman Donna Salomon said. He was 72.

Born on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Means grew up in the San Francisco area before becoming an early leader of AIM. He often was embroiled in controversy, partly because of AIM's alleged involvement in the 1975 slaying of Annie Mae Aquash.

But Means also was known for his role in the movie "The Last of the Mohicans" and had run unsuccessfully for the Libertarian nomination for president in 1988.

AIM was founded in the late 1960s to protest the U.S. government's treatment of Native Americans and demand the government honor its treaties with Indian tribes. Means told the AP in 2011 that before AIM, there had been no advocate on a national or international scale for American Indians, and that Native Americans were ashamed of their heritage.

"No one except Hollywood stars and very rich Texans wore Indian jewelry," Means said. "And there was a plethora of dozens if not hundreds of athletic teams that in essence were insulting us, from grade schools to college. That's all changed."

The movement eventually faded away, the result of Native Americans becoming self-aware and self-determined, Means said.

Paul DeMain, editor of News from Indian Country, said there were plenty of Indian activists before AIM but that the group became the "radical media gorilla."

"If someone needed help, you called on the American Indian Movement and they showed up and caused all kind of ruckus and looked beautiful on a 20-second clip on TV that night," DeMain said.

Means and AIM co-founder Dennis Banks were charged in 1974 for their role in the Wounded Knee uprising, but after a trial that lasted several months, a judge threw the charges out on grounds of government misconduct.

Means said he felt his most important accomplishment was the founding of the Republic of Lakotah and the "re-establishment of our freedom to be responsible" as a sovereign nation inside the borders of the United States. His efforts to have his proposed country recognized by the international community continued at the United Nations, he said, even as it was ignored by tribal governments closer to home, including his own Oglala Sioux Tribe.

But others may remember him for his former organization's connection to Aquash's slaying. Her death remains synonymous with AIM and its often-violent clashes with federal agents in the 1970s.

Authorities believe three AIM members shot and killed Aquash on the Pine Ridge reservation on the orders of someone in AIM's leadership because they suspected she was an FBI informant. Two activists ? Arlo Looking Cloud and John Graham ? were both eventually convicted of murder. The third has never been charged.

Means blamed Vernon Bellecourt, another AIM leader, for ordering Aquash's killing. Bellecourt denied the allegations in a 2004 interview, four years before he died.

DeMain, an Indian journalist who researched the case, said AIM's leaders know who ordered Aquash's killing but have covered up the truth for decades.

Also in 1975, murder charges were filed against Means and Dick Marshall, an AIM member, in the shooting death of Martin Montileaux of Kyle at the Longbranch Saloon in Scenic. Marshall served 24 years in prison. Means was acquitted.

In addition to his presidential bid, Means also briefly served as a vice presidential candidate in 1984, joining the Larry Flynt ticket during the Hustler magazine publisher's unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination. Flynt was typically a Democrat.

But Means always considered himself a Libertarian and couldn't believe that anyone would want to call themselves either a Republican or a Democrat.

"It's just unconscionable that America has become so stupid," he said.

His acting career began in 1992 when he portrayed Chingachgook alongside Daniel Day-Lewis' Hawkeye in "The Last of the Mohicans." He also appeared in the 1994 film "Natural Born Killers," voiced Chief Powhatan in the 1995 animated film "Pocahontas" and guest starred in 2004 on the HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

Means recounted his life in the book "Where White Men Fear to Tread." He said he pulled no punches in his autobiography, admitting to his frailties and evils but also acknowledging his successes.

"I tell the truth, and I expose myself as a weak, misguided, misdirected, dysfunctional human being I used to be," he said.

Salomon, the tribal spokeswoman, called Means' death a "great loss" for the Oglala Sioux Tribe.

Means' death came a day after former U.S. Sen. George McGovern died in Sioux Falls at the age of 90. McGovern had traveled to Wounded Knee with U.S. Sen. James Abourezk during the 71-day takeover to try to negotiate an end.

"I've lost two good friends in a matter of two to three days," Abourezk said Monday morning. "I don't pretend to understand it."


Follow Kristi Eaton on Twitter at .


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Monday 22 October 2012

Iran seeks renewed talks with familiar demands

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) ? Iranian officials have made no secret about their desire to reopen nuclear talks with the U.S. and other world powers as economic sanctions dig deeper ? with Iran's supreme leader even depicting his envoys as waiting at the negotiating table.

But Tehran's proposals remain essentially echoes of demands made during previous rounds of dead-end talks that tried to force the West into a corner: Whether or not to allow the Islamic Republic to keep some level of uranium enrichment despite worries the labs could become the foundation for an eventual nuclear weapons program.

Iran has signaled it could open bargaining over its highest-level uranium enrichment ? now at 20 percent ? in exchange for step-by-step easing of sanctions and international acknowledgment that Tehran has the "right" to make lower-grade nuclear fuel. Iran also could push to expand the agenda to include regional issues such as the Syrian civil war against Tehran's key ally Bashar Assad.

Stripped bare, however, the impasse is largely over Iran's ability to make nuclear fuel and whether the U.S. and its allies ? particularly Israel ? would agree to allow some degree of uranium enrichment.

It's perhaps the one issue that Tehran cannot put in play. Iran's leaders portray the nuclear fuel expertise as a symbol of national pride and Iran's self-declared role as the Muslim world's technological leader.

Yet the West cannot easily give a green light to Iran's enrichment program, making the chances for a breakthrough in any negotiations a major test of wills between the sides. The U.S. and allies fear Iran's uranium enrichment could quickly move to weapons-grade material ? an assertion Iran denies.

In France, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Europe-1 radio that Iran appears on track to reach the ability to produce a nuclear weapon by the first half of next year. He said unspecified experts have made the prediction based on "absolutely indisputable" data, but gave no other details.

Fabius' comments echoed a statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the U.N. General Assembly last month that the world has until next summer at the latest to stop Iran before it can build an atomic bomb. Netanyahu said Tehran would be ready to move to the "final stage" of making such a weapon by then.

With the U.S. election less than three weeks away, both the Obama White House and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are cautious about discussing potential compromises as Iran's economy shows signs of increasing strain from sanctions, including a plummet in the value of Iran's currency.

The U.S. and its European allies strongly favor a mix of economic pressure and diplomacy to seek nuclear concessions from Iran and, at the same time, try to undercut Israeli calls to keep a military option in the forefront.

"There is no question about the desire to keep talks going from all sides," said Bruno Tertrais, an Iranian affairs analyst at the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris. "The stumbling point is over how to get past the preliminary maneuvers and into real negotiations."

The White House on Saturday said it was prepared for one-on-one talks with Iran as a possible parallel initiative with a larger negotiations group, the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany. But National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor denied any deal had been reached for bilateral Washington-Tehran dialogue.

Such contacts would be extremely rare after a more than 30-year diplomatic estrangement ? Washington and Tehran have had no official diplomatic relations since the 1979 Islamic Revolution ? but the two countries have taken part in Baghdad-hosted talks over Iraq stability plans and have shared information on international efforts such as anti-drug trafficking.

"The onus is on the Iranians" to convince the world they aren't seeking nuclear weapons, Vietor said. "Otherwise they will continue to face crippling sanctions and increased pressure."

The statement was released shortly after The New York Times reported that the U.S. and Iran have agreed in principle for the first time to negotiations. The paper said Iran has insisted the talks wait until after the Nov. 6 election.

On Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi refused to discuss the report, saying "it is not our responsibility to comment on what they say." However, he reiterated Iran's traditional stance that the country will hold no direct nuclear talks with the U.S. and all dialogue must be through the seven-nation framework.

He predicted the next round could be as soon as late November. Some analysts believe Iran is unlikely to make any additional overtures until after the U.S. election.

What Iran has put forward so far is effectively a two-track path.

One is seeking to secure an international pledge that it can continue uranium enrichment at some level, perhaps at lower grades for its lone energy-producing reactor. Iran is a member of the U.N. treaty overseeing nuclear technology and insists its uranium labs are within the guidelines. The U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, however, says Iran still needs to open up more sites for inspection.

The second goal is getting the West to roll back sanctions, which have cut into Iran's critical oil exports and cut off access to most international banking networks. A panic on exchange markets this month plunged Iran's rial nearly 40 percent to record lows against the U.S. dollar. The currency on Sunday again flirted with the all-time low of 35,500 rials to the dollar.

But the U.S. and allies would likely require major concessions from Iran ? that the leadership may be unwilling to give ? for any significant sanctions relief just as the economic squeeze appears to be bringing more pain. Last week, the European Union banned imports of Iranian natural gas and imposed other restrictions on trade and financial dealings ? on top of a previous embargo of Iranian oil.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast described the new EU measures as "inhuman," but said they would not force any retreat on the country's nuclear program.

Sergey Barseqian, an independent Iranian political analyst, said the prospects for renewed talks are stuck in a "negative loop" with the West pressing harder on sanctions and Iran not willing to be portrayed as caving to the pressures.

"In practice, there is no initiative in Iran's hand" to restart talks, he said.

Iran's leaders also must juggle twin strategies.

For crowds at home, the Iranian hierarchy frames the country's nuclear advances as part of the country's modern identity. To a global audience, they display willingness for some degree of deal-making.

Last week, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran will withstand the "conspiracies and tricks" of its foes, including sanctions and "talk of military aggression." But he also said Iran has never stepped away from the nuclear talks, which were last held in Moscow in June.

"The West ... says pressures on the Islamic Republic are aimed at forcing it to return to table of the talks," said Khamenei. "Have we ever left the negotiating table?"

The foreign ministry spokesman, Mehmanparast, last week reinforced the message, saying Iran was prepared to "show flexibility" over the 20 percent-enriched uranium if the West would give some ground.

"The other party needs to take measures to fully recognize Iran's nuclear rights and Iran's enrichment for peaceful purposes," he added.

The 20 percent fuel is needed for Tehran's medical research reactor, whose output includes isotopes for cancer treatment. A lower level of enrichment, 3.5 percent, is needed for Iran's electricity-producing reactor.

In the previous talks, the West demanded that Iran halt its 20 percent enrichment, ship out its stockpiles and shut down the enrichment labs at a subterranean facility south of Tehran that is believed to be virtually impervious to aerial attacks.

On Saturday, Iranian nuclear chief Fereidoun Abbasi told the official IRNA news agency that negotiations will "will be continued."

"There is no particular problem in the direction of the talks," he said.


Associated Press writer Nasser Karimi in Tehran, Iran, contributed to this report.


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Sunday 21 October 2012

Earlier puberty seen in boys, just like in girls

CHICAGO (AP) ? When it comes to the birds and the bees, some parents may want to have that talk with their boys a little sooner than they expected.

Researchers have found signs of puberty in American boys up to two years earlier than previously reported ? age 9 on average for blacks, 10 for whites and Hispanics. Other studies have suggested that girls, too, are entering puberty younger.

Why is this happening? Theories range from higher levels of obesity and inactivity to chemicals in food and water, all of which might interfere with normal hormone production. But those are just theories, and they remain unproven.

Doctors say earlier puberty is not necessarily cause for concern. And some experts question whether the trend is even real.

Dr. William Adelman, an adolescent medicine specialist in the Baltimore area, says the new research is the first to find early, strong physical evidence that boys are maturing earlier. But he added that the study still isn't proof and said it raises a lot of questions.

Earlier research based on 20-year-old national data also suggested a trend toward early puberty in boys, but it was based on less rigorous information. The new study involved testes measurements in more than 4,000 boys. Enlargement of testes is generally the earliest sign of puberty in boys.

The study was published online Saturday in Pediatrics to coincide with the American Academy of Pediatrics' national conference in New Orleans.

Dr. Neerav Desai, an adolescent medicine specialist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, said he's seen a subtle trend toward slightly earlier puberty in boys. He said it's important for parents and doctors to be aware so they can help children emotionally prepare for the changes that come with puberty.

Doctors generally consider puberty early if it begins before age 8 in girls and before age 9 in boys.

Boys are more likely than girls to have an underlying physical cause for early puberty. But it's likely that most, if not all, of the boys in the study were free of any conditions that might explain the results, said lead author Marcia Herman-Giddens, a researcher at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

Problems such as thyroid abnormalities and brain tumors have been linked to early puberty. But boys with chronic medical conditions or who were using medicines that could affect puberty were excluded from the research.

In girls, early puberty has been linked with increased chances for developing breast cancer, but whether it poses health risks for boys is uncertain. Some scientists think early testes development may increase the risk for testicular cancer, but a recent research analysis found no such link.

"If it's true that boys are starting puberty younger, it's not clear that means anything negative or has any implications for long-term," said Adelman, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' committee on adolescence.

For the new study, researchers recruited pediatricians in 41 states who participate in the academy's office-based research network. Doctors asked parents and boys aged 6 to 16 to take part during regular checkups. The visits took place between 2005 and 2010.

Half of the boys were white. The rest were almost evenly divided among blacks and Hispanics.

On average, white boys started puberty at age 10, a year and a half earlier than what has long been considered the normal average. For black boys, the average age of 9 was about two years earlier than in previous research. Among Hispanics, age 10 was similar to previous research that only involved Mexican-American boys. The new study included boys from other Hispanic backgrounds.

Testes enlargement was seen at age 6 in 9 percent of white boys, almost 20 percent of blacks and 7 percent of Hispanics.

Pubic hair growth, another early sign of puberty, started about a year after testes enlargement in all groups but still earlier than previously thought.

In girls, breast development is the first sign, and recent research suggested that it starts at age 7 in about 10 percent of white girls, 23 percent of blacks and 15 percent of Hispanics. That's substantially higher than rates reported more than a decade ago.

But some experts have questioned methods used in studies in girls, noting that the age when girls start menstruating has not changed much and remains around age 12 on average.

Dr. Dianne Deplewski, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of Chicago, has not seen any increase in boys referred to her for signs of early puberty. She said it's possible that the new study results were skewed by families who brought their boys to the doctor because they already had concerns about their health.

The study had other limitations. Testes were measured just once, and doctors weren't randomly recruited but volunteered to participate. That means it's possible that those with early maturing patients were overly represented, but Herman-Giddens said it's unlikely boys in the study were different from those in the general U.S. population.

She said the research methods weren't perfect but that they're the best to date. She also stressed that the results shouldn't be used to establish a "new normal" for the start of puberty in boys.

"Just because this is happening doesn't mean this is normal or healthy," the researcher said.






AP Medical Writer Lindsey Tanner can be reached at

Associated Press


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Saturday 20 October 2012

Abortions never necessary to save mother's life, says Rep. Joe Walsh

Congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois (AP)

Republican Congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois said after his Thursday debate against Democratic rival Tammy Duckworth that abortions are never necessary to save a pregnant woman's life, because modern technology has eliminated the risks of childbearing.

Walsh was defending his position that abortion should be outlawed with no exceptions, which is also the Republican Party's official stance on the issue.

"With modern technology and science, you can't find one instance" of a pregnant woman's life being at risk, he told reporters after the debate.?"There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing." He added that "advances in science and technology" meant that abortion is never necessary for the health of a mother.

Walsh, a freshman Congressman, is currently trailing Duckworth, a veteran of the Iraq War, in the polls.

In August, Republican Senate candidate and sitting Congressman from Missouri Todd Akin told a reporter that he didn't support exceptions for abortion for rape because women's bodies have a mechanism to prevent pregnancy in the case of a "legitimate rape." Mitt Romney and many national Republican politicians quickly distanced themselves from Akin and his comment. Romney has said he supports abortion exceptions in the cases of rape and the mother's health.

Update: According to The Chicago Daily Herald's Kerry Lester, Walsh said in a press conference Friday that he believes ectopic pregnancies can result in death, but did not take questions about whether he would make abortion exceptions in those cases.


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House Sales Keep Picking Up In Greater Hartford, But Prices Yet To ...

Homes sales in Greater Hartford marched higher for the eighth straight month in September, but sale prices did not follow suit.

A new report today from the Greater Hartford Association of Realtors showed the median sale price of single-family houses fell nearly 8 percent in September, compared with a year earlier, to $210,000, from $228,000. In August, the median sale price, on a year-over-year basis, in the association?s 57-town market rose 2.4 percent.

Closed sales rose 11 percent in September, to 711, from 641 a year ago.

Sales typically pick-up momentum before prices in a housing recovery. Despite the consistent gains in sales this year, no clear trend has emerged when it comes to prices.

?Sales should begin to move upward before our housing recovery is fully underway,? Jeff Arakelian, the association?s president and chief executive, said.

There were other positive signs in September, however. Houses under contract rose 26 percent, indicating sales are likely to remain on the upswing through the end of the year.

And the number of houses on the market dropped a little over seven percent to 6,365, from 6,861, the association said. Based on the number of sales in September, there is about a nine-month supply of houses for sale.

A six-month supply is said to favor neither buyer nor seller. The supply, as of September, still indicates a firm buyer?s market in the area.

Through the first nine months of the year, house sales are up about 18 percent, while the median sales price is down 2.2 percent, both compared with the same period in 2011, the association said.

Sales of condominiums in September were weak, down 21 percent, from the sale month a year ago, the association said. The median sale price was $154,500, down 8 percent, from $168,000 a year ago.

The picture was a bit brighter for condos when looking at the first nine months of the year. Closed sales were up 12 percent, though the median sale price fell nearly 11 percent, both compared with the same period in 2011.






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