Saturday 1 October 2011

Remodeling and Improving Home Idea ? Home Improvement Classes

Article by Roselynn Jeff

Did you know that the major home improvement retailers in America offer home improvement classes to all those who are interested in it? Good news isn?t it?

The big home improvement retailers in America like Home depot and Lowe?s offer home improvement classes to people of all age groups. The schedule for these classes can be found on the websites of these stores. These stores also offer workshops for kids which they can take advantage of during their vacations.

These courses aim to teach to their students the concept of interior decorating on a budget. Since in most households the responsibility of home improvements lies with the lady of the house; so there are special courses which have been designed for women and in these courses the otherwise heavy duty masculine subjects like plumbing, electrical fitting and repairing are also taught.

The idea behind conceiving these courses is to educate and inform the customers about the benefits of doing home improvement on their own. One would wonder why big retailers who are already making huge profits through their nationwide network of stores need to conduct home improvement classes for their customers. Contrary to popular perception the idea is not to earn revenues through these measures but build a strong brand image in the minds of the consumers.

People feel closer to the brand and the brand in turn assumes the role of a benefactor in the minds of the consumers. This garners valuable word -of mouth publicity for the brand. The students attending these classes will out of trust buy all the materials for their home improvement needs from these stores only and recommend their friends and family members also leading to a loyal and dedicated clientele for the stores.

Brands as a rule belong to people and not to the organization or the ad agencies promoting them. By conducting classes in home improvement for a small fee these retailers want to ingratiate themselves in the minds of the consumers and build a steady clientele for all times to come.


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