Saturday 3 November 2012

PRODUCTIVITY TIP - Amber Ludwig, WordPress Website ...

We all have to-do lists in some form or another. Some have twenty post-it notes scattered around their desk, others have booklets. I actually have discovered the most brilliant time to do mine. It?s not in the morning but rather at the end of each day.

Just before I shut down my computer and exit my office for the day I do two things. One, I clean up my desk so I get that feeling of a fresh start the next morning. Then the second thing I do is write out my to-do list for the next day.

I have a sheet on my desk which has a list of every client we?ve ever had, and I highlight the current client projects we?re working on. I scan the list and it reminds me of what I need to do for each client. Sometimes my to-dos are even just to follow-up with a client I haven?t heard from in a while ? so that list reminds me of everyone I want to stay connected with regularly.

I even created my own ?project management? sheet which allows me to list all of the day?s to-dos, my phone appointments and also allows me to list things I need to think about later in the week. I print out like 90 sheets at a time and have them spiral bound. I use one sheet every day. I?m even going to give you a complimentary download of my sheet! It?s so simple you?ll laugh ? but it?s sooooo effective!!

FREE Download:?Amber?s Project Management PDF (right click, save as)

If I haven?t completed a to-do at the end of that day, then I write it again the next day. This process of re-writing tiny tasks that I need to do, but don?t, forces me to get it done because I get sick of writing it each day, haha.

This project management booklet has allowed me to take on dozens and dozens of active client projects at the same time, and show steady progress and value on each.

The last thing I?ll say is that by writing out my to-do list at the end of the day, it allows me to leave all of my work thoughts in my office. Once I leave for the day, I don?t need to have all those to-dos swirl in my mind. Instead, I get to enjoy my personal/family time fully. This gives me SO much more balance and joy. Then I?m refreshed when I show up the next day, and give it everything I?ve got all over again.

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Be sure to tag me (add @Amber Ludwig) in the post so I see it and can respond.


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